501 South Cherry Street
Suite 1100
Denver, Colorado 80246
Phone: 303-717-3540
Email: info@moneycafeadvisors.com

Money Cafe Advisors
Our Process

Evaluate - Design - Implement - Monitor
We start with a similar approach as you would find if visiting your physician. You want to get to the root of your concerns and that is the first and most important part of working in wealth management. We put your needs first to help you find out what they are is paramount.
With a physician, you will be asked lots of questions and many tests may be done, once the results are in the physician will review them and then give you suggestions on how to correct your problem.
We work in a similar fashion. We just don't have to push and pull with you to get to the results. At MoneyCafe Advisors, we are passionate about the process and firmly believe that the steps you go through to reach an investment portfolio are critical to your success. Too many investors and their advisors spend too much time worrying about markets and watching investments when in fact, they would be better served to spend more time with the process that led them to the investments.
MoneyCafe Advisor's first priority is the help people with the development of a financial & estate plan and that starts with a very detailed understanding of your current satiation and your plans or desires for the future.
We do a thorough review of any current plans you have and then help you design a strategy going forward.
Your complete financial snapshot is important to the process. We need to know your immediate and future goals or wishes for you and your family.
How do we do this?
Evaluate: We have a series of questions that are important for you to answer so we both can discuss what you want to accomplish and then decide after reviewing all information the best possible way to reach your objective. Gathering correct data from you is the only way we can make sure we start on the right track. Then we can evaluate what you have given us and move on to the next step.
Design: Once we have the data from you we will review your information in detail and use our tools and systems to help us design the best program for you. We will work toward designing a plan of action to help you reach your objectives. We then meet with the client to make sure we are on the right track and don't miss anything. We then review the designed plan for further confirmation.
Implementation: We know from many years of experience that a plan designed and sitting on the shelf is a bad plan. So we want to help you put the plan into action so you can receive the benefits of your actions and work toward accomplishing your goals.
Throughout our process, we focus on educating our clients on how to avoid common financial traps.
Monitor: Once a plan is implemented we want to stay close to the client to help them through the years ahead. We know from our experience that things change in people's lives and that is when we might be needed the most.
Many people come to us without children and then years later the kids are on the way and planning for their education becomes a serious issue. We have faced many challenges with our clients throughout the years from unexpected deaths to divorces, large inheritances, and even unexpected debt problems. Some start businesses later than others and we are there to help them through the process. So monitoring and staying close to our clients is an important part of our service. We are then only a phone call away and with annual reviews there are few surprises. Since the markets do rise and fall we believe staying in touch through the good and tough times is important.
We specialize in value investing and keeping risk low. Our goal is to maintain and grow our client's wealth at several percentage points above inflation with superior risk-adjusted performance. Our investment process has been developed and honed over our 28 years of business.
Our philosophy is to focus on what you can control – the price you pay for an investment and your diversification strategy. We don't make bets on the future, try to time the markets, or chase after the latest hot investment. Financial safety and low risk are first with us unless our client wants otherwise and then we have to make sure that strategy is best for them. We stick to time-tested strategies that are known to protect and grow wealth. Keeping our client's financial strength in good shape is important by helping them avoid common financial traps. This is at the forefront of our process.